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Pasta with squid in tomato sauce


One of the traditional Italian dishes that does not require special culinary skills. Preparing pasta with squid is quick and easy!

Паста с кальмарами в томатном соусе

  1. We clean the squid from the skin and chitinous plates. Then chop the onion and garlic.
  2. Put a frying pan with a little olive oil on the fire. Fry the onion with garlic, then add the tomato paste and simmer the mixture for another 2 minutes.
  3. Beat juicy tomatoes with salt, pepper and seasonings in a blender until puree. Add it to the pan and simmer the thick tomato sauce for 15 minutes over medium heat. You can add water if necessary.
  4. Cut the squid into half rings, chop the basil and add to the sauce. We continue to simmer on fire for another 7-10 minutes.
  5. While the mixture is languishing, boil the pasta according to the instructions and, when ready, lay out on plates. Spread tomato sauce with squid on top and sprinkle with the remaining herbs.

Сook time: 50 min.

Difficulty: Medium

1. Pasta - 250 g
2. Tomatoes - 300 g
3. Fresh or frozen squid - 400 g
4. Tomato paste - 2 tbsp.
5. Garlic - 3 cloves
6. Green basil
7. Onion - 1 pc.
8. Olive oil - 3 tbsp.
9. Salt, pepper and seasonings

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