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Articles and collections of recipes

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Traditional Italian pasta recipes

В традиционном смысле под словом «паста» понимают макаронные изделия, приготовленные из муки высшего сорта и воды. Секрет популярности этого блюда во всем мире в том, что паста прекрасно сочетается с самыми разнообразными ингредиентами на любой вкус, в том числе с различными овощами, мясными соусами, а также рыбой и морепродуктами.  


Our products

Our awards

Our products have repeatedly received various prizes and awards due to their high quality and our loyalty to tradition.


Gold Medal

'Best Product - 2024'

'ProdExpo 2024' Exhibition

TM "Federici" Giant seedless olives, production - INTERCOMM FOODS S.A.

Gold Medal

'Best Product - 2024'

'ProdExpo 2024' Exhibition

TM "Federici" seedless olives, production - AGRO SEVILLA ACEITUNAS, S. C. C. A.

Gold Medal

'Best Product - 2024'

'ProdExpo 2024' Exhibition

TM "Federici" Olives with lemon, production - Angel Camacho Alimentacion, S.L.

Gold Medal

'Best Product - 2024'

'ProdExpo 2024' Exhibition

TM "Federici" seedless olives, production - Angel Camacho Alimentacion, S.L.

Gold Medal

'Best Product - 2024'

'ProdExpo 2024' Exhibition

TM "Federici" seedless olives, production - INTERCOMM FOODS S.A.

Gold Medal

'Best Product - 2024'

'ProdExpo 2024' Exhibition

Pasta Federici Spaghetti #3 gluten-free, production of MF "Ameria".

Gold Medal

'Best Product - 2024'

'ProdExpo 2024' Exhibition

Pasta Federici Spaghetti #3 gluten-free pasta made of red lentils, production of MF "Ameria".

Gold Medal

'Best Product - 2024'

'ProdExpo 2024' Exhibition

Federici Pasta Federici Fluted feathers #23 gluten-free, production "FARMO S.P.A.", Italy.

Silver medal

'Best Product 2023'

'ProdExpo 2023' Exhibition

Federici gluten-free Spaghetti No. 3 from green peas produced by the Ameria pasta factory

Gold medal

'Innovative Product 2022'

'ProdExpo 2022' Exhibition

Federici gluten-free brown rice spaghetti with amaranth and quinoa, produced at the Ameria pasta factory

The Grand Prix

'Best Product 2020'

'ProdExpo 2020' Exhibition

Federici gluten-free spaghetti and whole-grain penne rigate and spaghetti produced by Ameria pasta factory received the highest award

Gold medal

'Best Product 2020'

'ProdExpo 2020' Exhibition

Federici gluten-free penne rigate made from corn and rice flour produced by Farmo S.p.A. in Italy

Gold medal

'Innovative Product 2020'

'ProdExpo 2020' Exhibition

Federici gluten-free Spaghetti became the first in its category in Russia to receive an international certificate of conformity GUK-G-166 from the British AOECS society.

Silver medal

'Innovative Product 2020'

'ProdExpo 2020' Exhibition

Federici whole-grain penne rigate produced by Ameria pasta factory received an award for innovation in the composition of the product

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