(РУС) Andriani S.p.A.
Gluten Free
Federici №23 Gluten-Free Pasta Made from Green Peas, Ridged Penne is a unique product that combines the beneficial properties of legumes with an exquisite taste. Made from 100% green pea flour, this pasta is gluten-free, making it an ideal choice for people with food intolerances or those following a healthy diet. The ridged texture of the penne perfectly holds sauces, ensuring a harmonious flavor combination in every bite.
Federici №23 pasta is an excellent source of plant-based protein, fiber, and essential vitamins. It is suitable for both classic Italian cuisine and culinary experiments. With quick preparation and a rich, natural taste, it serves as a perfect base for light salads, hot side dishes, or standalone meals.
(РУС) Мука из зеленого гороха (100%)
343 kcal
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